Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time (all my tweets are also imported into FriendFeed where they are much more easy to search and comment on, as well as into my Facebook wall where they are seen by quite a different set of people):
Every plastic bag and bottle you've ever used still exists
Deal in Senate on Protecting News Sources
The Complete Guide to Google Wave
Found one of these today. Obviously written by a coward. Boo!
A Must-Read for journos: There may be a future for the news business, but it's going to be unrecognizable: We Just Don't Know: An Interview with Jonathan Glick - "It was the monopoly that created the journalism, not the journalism that created the monopoly."
A Must-Read for journos: Narrative is dead! Long live Narrative!
A Must-Read for journos: Toward post-Journalism journalism
A Must-Read for journos: Wild guesses won't solve journalism crisis
Another Must-Read for journos: The Only 'Journalism' Subsidy We Need is in Bandwidth
Constraining America's Brightest
Global/national and hyperlocal papers will thrive, metros will die, I always say. Perhaps I'm right:Most national papers in America are faring better than metropolitan ones
Global warming is not a liberal issue. GW Denialism is a conservative issue, though: Do two reporters have a conflict on the beat? - Equal voice=dereliction of journo duty.
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