Today's carnivals

The Giant's Shoulders #17 - Darwin Sesquicentennial Edition - is up on The Primate Diaries


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The pitched battle between evolutionary theory and Intelligent Design has become one of the signature conflicts of the decade. On Pharyngula, PZ Myers picks up the pieces after his debate with Jerry Bergman on whether ID should be taught in schools. Unambiguously he writes, "creationists are not…
Yesterday the 13th edition of The Giant's Shoulders was posted over at Skulls in the Stars. It is an excellent edition in a "guided tour" format. The next iteration will go on display next month at The Dispersal of Darwin.
The next edition of Praxis will be on January 15th 2009, at the Pod Black Cat. There are only 2 days left until the deadline for the 7th edition of The Giant's Shoulders, to be held at The Questionable Authority. Next Carnival of the Liberals will be on Accidental Blogger tomorrow, but you still…
I am hosting The Giant's Shoulders this month. Please get me your submissions by the 15th. Hint: Darwin's birthday is this month. Hint: Darwin was a giant. Do Darwin! Send submissions via the blog carnival submission thingie. Berry Go Round #13: Winter-Tough is here, at Watching The World…