ScienceOnline2010 - Program highlights 4


Continuing with the introductions to the sessions on the Program, here is what will happen on Saturday, January 16th at 2 - 3:05pm:

A. Citizen Science and Students - Sandra Porter, Tara Richerson (science_goddess), and Antony Williams

Description: Students are a great resource for projects that require large numbers of volunteers. We will discuss examples of projects that combine student learning with authentic research and the power of blogs to connect students with projects. Discuss here.

B. Medicine 2.0 and Science 2.0--where do they intersect? - Walter Jessen

Description: Medicine 2.0 applications, services and tools are defined as Web-based services for healthcare consumers/patients, health professionals and biomedical researchers that use Web 2.0 technologies and/or semantic web and virtual reality approaches to enable and facilitate (1) social networking; (2) participation; (3) apomediation (guidance generated and available from peripheral mediators); (4) openness; and (5) collaboration within and between these user groups for the purposes of maintaining and/or restoring human health. How are these themes being applied in scientific research? What are the reasons some themes are better applied than others? How are researchers integrating Science 2.0 tools into their workflows? Do they offer an immediate benefit? Where could there be improvement? What are the social and cultural obstacles to widespread adoption of Medicine 2.0 and Science 2.0? Discuss here.

C. Scientists! What can your librarian do for you? - Stephanie Willen Brown and Dorothea Salo

Description: Find free, scholarly, science stuff on the Internet, via your public or state library, or on the "free Web." Learn tips & tricks for getting full-text science research at all levels, through resources like DOAJ and NC Live (for those with a North Carolina library card; other states often offer free resources to library card holders). Find out about some options for storing science material at your academic institution's Institutional Repository. We will also talk about the broader access to material stored in institutional repositories and elsewhere on the Web. Discuss here.

D. Science and Entertainment: Beyond Blogging - Tamara Krinsky and Jennifer Ouellette

Description: Over the past several years, the Internet has tangibly changed the way that movies and TV shows are produced and marketed. Blogs will call out ridiculous scientific errors found in stories and the critique can go viral very quickly; therefore, science advising is on the rise in an attempt to add some semblance of plausibility to your favorite flicks. As tools on the web continue to evolve, filmmakers and television creators are finding new ways to connect with and market to their viewers. For some shows, this has meant tapping into the science featured in their content, ranging from an exploration of the roots of the science that has been fictionalized to the expansion of a scientific topic explored in a documentary. In this session, we'll look at how online video and social networking tools are playing a part in connecting science, Hollywood and its fans. Discuss here.

E. Demos

- Deutsches Museum and Lampenfieber - Jessica Riccò

Description: Introducing Deutsches Museum and Lampenfieber kids' science magazine.

- Science Media Centre and Sciblogs, New Zealand - Fabiana Kubke

Description: As part of the strategy to engage New Zealanders with science and technology the Ministry of Research, Science & Technology (MoRST) announced a three-year pilot Science & Technology Media Centre for New Zealand. The Science Media Centre, conceptualised on the success of the SMC's in the UK and Australia, serves as an independent source of expert comment and information for journalists covering science and technology. Its aim is to promote accurate, bias-free reporting on science and technology by helping the media work more closely with the scientific community. On September 30, 2009, SMC launched a major new science communication effort with Sciblogs, a network of science blogs covering everything from clinical health to climate change with 26 bloggers, including scientists from universities, Crown Research Institutes and private research organisations along the length of the country. It is the largest online hub for science-related content relevant to New Zealand. The Sciblogs platform is the first major implementation of the opensource Wordpress MU (multiple user) blogging system in New Zealand. Duscuss here.

- Doing science in Second Life - Jean-Claude Bradley

Description: Doing science in Second Life - molecule docking. Discuss here.

- The Open Dinosaur Project - Andy Farke

Description: "Open Dinosaur Project": (ODP) was created to involve scientists and the public alike in developing a comprehensive database of dinosaur limb bone measurements, in order to investigate questions of dinosaur function and evolution. An untapped wealth of measurements is contained within the scientific literature, but a massive research team is needed to digitize these data into a usable form. With the rise of digital journals (many of which are open access) and internet collaboration tools, it is now feasible to crowd-source this digitization effort. The ODP emphasizes open science (so that all data are available immediately) while engaging the general public in real research. This demo will highlight several aspects of the project, including 1) coordinating efforts by professional paleontologists and interested amateurs; 2) data entry and verification; 3) blogging the research process; and 4) soliciting meaningful involvement in project design from participants of diverse backgrounds. Discuss here.


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