ScienceOnline2010 - introducing the participants


As you know you can see everyone who's registered for the conference, but I highlight 4-6 participants every day as this may be an easier way for you to digest the list. You can also look at the Program so see who is doing what.

Tom Levenson is the Director of the Graduate Program in the Writing and Humanistic Studies program at MIT. He blogs on the Inverse Square blog and tweets. I interviewed Tom last year. At the conference, Tom will co-moderate the session From Blog to Book: Using Blogs and Social Networks to Develop Your Professional Writing.

Val Jones, MD is the President and CEO of Better Health, PLLC, a health education company devoted to providing scientifically accurate health information to consumers. She also blogs at Science-Based Medicine and tweets. At the conference, Dr.Val will co-moderate the session on Privacy, ethics, and disasters: how being online as a doctor changes everything

Deepak Singh is a business developer and technologist. He works at Amazon Web Services, blogs on business|bytes|genes|molecules, produces Coast to Coast Bio Podcast, helps run Bioscreencast and tweets. I interviewed Deepak last year. At the next conference, Deepak will co-lead the session on Podcasting in science.

Katie Mosher is the Communications Director at North Carolina Sea Grant and the managing editor of the Coastwatch magazine.

Elisabeth Montegna is finishing her PhD in Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology at University of Chicago. She has a blog and I interviewed her last year.

Lucy Ringland is a web developer working currently as the President of Big Kid Enterprises, Inc.


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