Clock Quotes

You are permitted in time of great danger to walk with the devil until you have crossed the bridge.

- Bulgarian proverb

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tags: NYC Life, Brooklyn Bridge, Emily Roebling, NYC history I have been watching the superb series of DVDs called New York, thanks to one of my currently vacationing pet sitting clients who owns it (now I wish to own this series too, so I can watch it over and over again). Because of this series,…
There's a charming article by Hannah Seligson over at The Daily Beast on the "science" of when to get married. (I've put scare quotes around "science" only because it's not a science at all.) On the one hand, it's rather obvious that making romantic decisions isn't exactly a rational process.…
Two years ago today, on a weekday afternoon during rush our, the Interstate 35W bridge, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapsed into the Mississippi river. Thirteen people died and about 145 people suffered injuries. At the time this happened, Amanda, Julia and I were in the Green Kalahari in…