The Best of June

I posted only 105 times in June. It is summer, and in summer traffic falls, weather is too nice to stay inside, and blogs tend to go on vacation or at least slow down. And I wrote about it in No, blogs are not dead, they are on summer vacation.

But this does not mean that this blog was on vacation. Along with a bunch of cool videos and announcements, I wrote several other posts, some garnering quite a lot of commentary, most in some way touching on media, blogging and science journalism.

See, for example, Why is some coverage of scientific news in the media very poor?

Or Am I A Science Journalist?.

Or 'Going Direct' - the Netizens in former Yugoslavia.

Or The continuum of expertise.

Or the brief links+notes posts If scientists want to educate the public...but is that the right question to begin with? and On media articles linking to scientific papers (and other sources).

I got interviewed for a newspaper and - in a much longer form and on a completely different topic - for a blog.

I wrote a book review of 'Bonobo Handshake' by Vanessa Woods and then collected links to all the recent and upcoming books written by science bloggers.

I went to Philadelphia and then wrote a post about the meeting about vaccinations, social media and how to counteract anti-vaccionationist movement.

The series of Q&As with participants of ScienceOnline2010 continued with looks into the lives and careers of Cassie Rodenberg, Travis Saunders, Julie Kelsey, Beatrice Lugger and Eric Roston.

Workwise, I announced PLoS ONE Blog Pick of the Month for May 2010. I also blogged about a PLoS ONE paper about bluefin tuna trying to spawn in the midst of the Guulf oil spill and again about a paper that explains how exactly Vesuvius killed the people of Pompeii, and then again about a paper that explores the way bacteria get transmitted from the mouth of one Komodo dragon to another.

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