Jólasveinar og Jólakettir

The origins and history of the Yule Lads with bonus Christmas Cat...

Even I did not know that peak Yule Lads was 82!


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Today is the 12th of december, and there are 13 days until christmas. This means, of course, that the first of the yule elves came to town this morning. As you know, Bob, there are thirteen of the Yule Lads, or jólasveinar, as we call them. And they are not really elves, since their mother is a…
Today is the 12th of december, and there are 13 days until christmas. This means, of course, that the first of the yule elves came to town this morning. As you know, Bob, there are thirteen of the Yule Lads, or jólasveinar, as we call them. And they are not really elves, since their mother is a…
Today is the 12th of december, and there are 13 days until christmas. This means, of course, that the first of the yule elves came to town this morning. As you know, Bob, there are thirteen of the Yule Lads, or jólasveinar, as we call them. And they are not really elves, since their mother is a…
And, so, as this feast of Saint Thorlacius comes to an end, we await the arrival of the last of the yule lads the sneaky candle swiper hisself Kertasníkir The lads are bathed, a major achievement in and of itself, and ready for the grand finale tomorrow night they leave town, but first their…

Have a happy New Year Steinn!

By Irwin Horowitz (not verified) on 30 Dec 2016 #permalink


Life is relatively good. I am teaching astronomy and math at a local 2-year college here in the Boise, Idaho area. My mom moved in with me about 1.5 years ago and we've been doing pretty well together. We share a beautiful, 6-year old female kitty named Nala.

I was updating some of my lecture notes, making sure that I had proper referencing for some figures I found online, when I came across your colleague Michael Eracleous, so I decided to look you up while I was on the PSU astro website.

BTW, tell Don I said hi.