Happpy 10th Blogiversary to me!

Ten years ago today, three days shy of my 40th birthday, I started a blog more or less on a whim. I have to admit, I only had a pretty vague idea of what blogging was all about or what its potential was. After all, my main inspiration for getting started wasn't even a blog at all, but a zine.

Sitting here, all these years later, three days shy of my 50th birthday, I can only say that it's been a wonderful, exciting and sometimes strange trip. The trip has meandered through the broad crossroads of librarianship and science at the beginning of the 21st century and I'm sure will continue to wander that same path.

I'm not much on extensive recaps or endless sentimental remembrances (which I know, seems rare among bloggers...), but this seems like an anniversary worth noting, if only briefly. Blogging has been good to me personally and professionally in more ways than I can count. I hope to continue contributing my one small voice to the profession.

To all my readers who have patiently followed me hither and yon over the years, all I have to say is thank you for your time and attention.

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Ten whole years! Does that make you an elder statesman? Congratulations.

By Romeo Vitelli (not verified) on 03 Oct 2012 #permalink

Congrats! And thanks again for inspiring me to join the blogging community more than 4 years ago.

By Graham Lavender (not verified) on 03 Oct 2012 #permalink

Romeo, Graham, thanks. Ten years blogging makes me positively geriatric. And Graham, I really appreciate knowing that I've inspired others to give blogging a try.

Despite our occasional differences of opinion I admire the fine work you do at this blog. Ten years is quite an accomplishment. I recently brought Kept Up Academic Librarian to a close after 8 years. Here's to future longevity.

Hi StevenB, Thanks. I appreciate it. And yes, to the net 10!