Around the Web: Innovation, Open textbooks, Suber on self-archiving and more

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For my own purposes I've been collecting various ebook-related posts for a while now and in particular the whole HarperCollins/library/ebook/Overdrive thing is a valuable source of lots of speculation and information. What I have below no doubt only represents a fairly small percentage of the…
The End of Academic Library Circulation? Print on the Margins: Circulation Trends in Major Research Libraries Teens join Twitter to escape parents on Facebook: survey Teens slowly migrating to Twitter Academic E-Books: Innovation and Transition Is Facebook Really a Good Business? Who Does Google…
OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences: Wrong risks and missed opportunities One Size Fits All?: Social Science and Open Access Statement on position in relation to open access(Institute of Historical Research) The open access journal as a disruptive innovation Openness, value, and…
Via Lance Fortnow's Twitter post, it's interesting to see Communications of the ACM editor Moshe Y. Vardi on Open Access: First, a point of precision. Open-access experts distinguish between "Gold OA," described earlier, and "Green OA," which allows for open access self-archiving of material (…