Around the Web: Yet more librarian angst, The business of literature and more

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I'm always interested in the present and future of libraries. There's a steady stream of reports from various organizations that are broadly relevant to the (mostly academic) library biz but they can be tough to keep track of. I thought I'd aggregate some of those here. Of course I've very likely…
Yes, as promised I'm going to start workshopping the book I'm working on: My Job in 10 Years: The Future of Academic Librarianship. (Note title tweak.) First of all, this is all just provisional; I'm at a point where I need to stop tinkering if I just going to get something out the door. Some…
Out of sight, out of existence: How lack of public awareness hurts Canadian science Outcry Grows Over Canadian Govt's Undermining of Climate Science What matters and what doesn't: open thoughts on academia Stop the silence, and some suggested reading (more about the state of academia) Changing…
Reader Beware: Please note the date of publication of this post. It's been really gratifying over the last year to see how my DSCaM scholarly communications empire has grown. From it's small beginnings, Dupuis Science Computing & Medicine has craved out a small but important niche in the…