Lane Anderson Award for Canadian science books: Call for submissions

As long-time readers of this blog with know, I'm a huge supporter of science books. One of my definite soft spots is the annual Lane Anderson Award for the best Canadian science book in both adult and young adult categories. As such I'll point out that the submission deadline for the 2014 award is fast approaching. If you or anyone you know published a Canadian science book in 2014, please consider submitting it for consideration for the award.

The award website is here. Some of my previous posts about the award are here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Please help us support science writers in Canada.
We hope you agree with us that science exploration is one of the
fundamental areas of our world today—
The Lane Anderson Award recognizes that research and applauds the
people who help make young readers and adults alike aware of the
continuing importance of science in our world today.


Selection Process

The annual Lane Anderson Award will honour two jury-selected books, adult and young reader, published in the field of science by Canadian-owned publishers, and authored by Canadians. The winner in each reader category will receive $10,000.

Two three-person jury panels drawn from the Canadian academic, publishing, creative and institutional fields will review submissions in the two reader categories.

Entries may deal with various aspects of science and technology, including health care, nature, and environmental issues.

  1. All entries must be published in English between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2014.
  2. All entries must have an ISBN and be available for sale in bookstores in Canada.
  3. The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2015.
  4. A collection of essays by one author is eligible if the essays are on a single theme, and if the work in its entirety has not been published elsewhere. A collection of essays by more than one author is not eligible.
  5. A work by two co-authors is acceptable, provided the whole work is integrated and coherent. In the case of winning co-authors, the prize money will be divided between them.
  6. Electronic books are eligible, contingent on the author being a permanent resident of Canada during the 2014 calendar year and the entry having been made generally available for public sale on a commercial basis during 2014.
  7. Non-eligible works include pamphlets, monographs, brochures, reference books, conference papers and subsequent or revised editions of books. Posthumously published works are also not eligible, nor are works of fiction.
  8. Short-listed authors are required to attend the awards ceremony in Toronto and, if declared the winner, to address the audience at that time.
  9. The rules for eligibility will be administered, applied, interpreted and may be revised from time to time at the discretion of the administrator of the Lane Anderson Award. The administrator's judgment on the application of the rules and the eligibility criteria is final.

The Lane Anderson Award
11 Redcastle Crescent,
Scarborough, ON, M1T 1V2

The submission form is here, email is and website

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Salut John,
I am surprised that this award is only available for ebooks that were available for sale. What of open access ebooks? I am thinking for example of the really interesting "Femmes savantes, femmes de science" edited by Florence Piron ( She did get it printed at an on-demand shop, pinned an ISBN on it and physically left in a few bookstores, but it seems to me that open access pubishing of ebooks would call for a wider net.
Thanks for the blog BTW, great work!
Olivier ( and

By Olivier Charbonneau (not verified) on 17 Apr 2015 #permalink

Olivier, That's a very good point. I hope the organizers catch this comment and maybe they can alter the requirements in future years. And thanks for the kind words.