Eric Keroack, Bush Crony, Steps Down

while back, I posted about a nutty thing Eric Keroack said: id="a026724"

I was not the only one criticizing him; a total of href="">six
ScienceBloggers wrote about it.  The reason was that
Bush appointed Keroack to head the family-planning programs at the
Department of Health and Human Services.  As someone who
thinks birth control is immoral, he clearly was not at all suited to
the position.  

Now we find that he has resigned.  But it was not under
honorable circumstances.
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status of ex-HHS head eyed

State probes case a few years old

Alan Wirzbicki, Globe Correspondent

March 31, 2007

-- Dr. Eric Keroack, the Massachusetts physician who resigned
unexpectedly this week from a top federal family planning position
after only 4 1/2 months on the job, is under investigation by state
Medicaid authorities in connection with his private medical practice,
state officials said yesterday.

A spokesman for the Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services,
Juan Martinez, confirmed the agency had a "pending matter against the
doctor" that "dates back a few years," but declined to offer details
because the process has not been completed. Most of the department's
investigations involve fraudulent Medicaid claims.

According to the statement issued yesterday by the office, it was
investigating a matter "pertaining to Dr. Keroack's status as a
MassHealth provider."

Keroack, a former Marblehead obstetrician-gynecologist, was appointed
to the job in November amid heavy criticism from abortion rights groups
for his outspoken opposition to abortion and his connection to
crisis-pregnancy centers that show ultrasound images of fetuses to
pregnant women in an effort to dissuade them from having abortions.

The government office that Keroack headed until Thursday, the office of
Population Affairs at the Department of Health and Human Services,
oversees a $283 million annual budget devoted to providing
contraceptives, treatment for sexually-transmitted diseases, and cancer
screening to low-income individuals...

Yes, he is innocent until proven guilty.  We do not know if he
actually defrauded Medicaid.  But at least he's out.


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Bush's strategy for his Administration has been to cast against type -- Head of Family Planning Services who is against contraception; Ambassador to the UN who is dismissive of the UN; Chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting who wanted to get rid of PBS and NPR; Head of FEMA with no emergency management expertise. The experiment has been an obvious failure. It's just that all the petrie dishes have not been cleaned up yet.

And a plethora of people, starting at the top, who swore a solemn oath:

"... and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

yet want to get rid of the Constitution, and, for that matter, the "quaint" Geneva Convention.

Good point, Jonathan.

They will claim that "to the best of my ability" is their escape hatch -- that they were all just a bunch of goofy incompetents. But the damage they've done has mostly been deliberate.