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all will be pleased to know that bug #177773 in cowsay has been
fixed.  The cow's tongue now will be rendered correctly.

j7uy5@localhost ~ $ cowsay Corpus Callosum is weird!


< Corpus Callosum is weird! >


\   ^__^

\  (oo)\_______

(__)\       )\/\

||----w |

||     ||


< Corpus Callosum is weird! >


\   ^__^

\  (**)\_______

(__)\       )\/\

U  ||----w |

||     ||

of course there is the Darth cow:


< Corpus Callosum is weird! >


\    ,-^-.

\   !oYo!

\ /./=\.\______



||      ||

Cowth Vader


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$ cowsay "My tongue is not yet in debian unstable\!"
/ My tongue is not yet in debian \
\ unstable\! /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||