Why Employment Numbers are so Bad

This morning the US government revealed that employment is
down by 4,000 jobs.  The market took a dive.  Why was
the impact so bad?

It is one of two reasons.  Either the numbers are so bad, that
the government can't lie about them, or the numbers
are so bad, that the government isn't even going to bother
lying about them.


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People who have been out of work for too long get dropped from the count.

Keeping count that way always makes the number sound better. For example, missing children: what if we dropped from the list those missing more than a week? See how simple it is?

We just stop including our failures when they're getting stale. That's the basic trick.

All of the jobs outsourced overseas will never come back.

Business people have some information the public doesn't. What gets reported in the newspapers is for public consumption. In the trade, it is known as 'cooling the mark'.

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 07 Sep 2007 #permalink

The cynical tone of this post serves as a small but powerful example of everything that is wrong with our country today. Why would the government lie? Do you think that your own government would lie to you? How could that happen? This is a Democracy, remember? What happened to faith in Jesus? Or maybe everybody should worship the almighty dollar. If you don't like it here, then maybe you should try living in North Korea. Or Mars. Do you think that the Martians complain about their government? They'd be happy just to have a little free water, in liquid form! They'd be happy -- deliriously so -- to have a free press, like we do. Maybe you should move there, if the good old U-S-of-A is so rotten. Get yourself a good spacesuit and some Tang, tho, because if you think you can just get into your Prius and drive down to the local Food and Drug Mart, there on Mars, then buddy do you have another think comin'.

Stumpy is sooo right. And even the mention of the drink of choice on Mars is correct, there it is Tang. We good U.S. citizens must drink Koolaid (and those who don't are obviously unpatriotic).

See? -- And don't even get me started about the sorry state of American cuisine.

I don't have any Tang, but I do have quite a bit of rice, dried eggs, dried milk, Bisquick,and dried chicken-flavored nonspecific foodstuff put aside. That is not to go to Mars, but to hang out at home in case of a pandemic.

I'm with stumpy here. I can't recall the last time the American government lied to us or to anyone else. The very thought of our government lying to us is unthinkable.

*cough* WMDs *cough*

By James Stein (not verified) on 14 Sep 2007 #permalink