Yet Another Annoying Cartoon

We used to see a lot of cartoons that portray a psychiatrist's
couch.  That is not so common anymore.  When we do see them,
they tend to be annoying.  This is no different, because it is so

style="display: inline;">i-b4aabb2ad7d4d361c057e2d2eec1e190-Depressed-Dollar.jpg

No psychiatrist would put the couch under the window like that. 
It would defeat the purpose of the couch.

(HT: href="">Economic


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No psychiatrist would put the couch under the window like that. It would defeat the purpose of the couch.

I never got the hang of that Feng Shui stuff.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 26 Oct 2009 #permalink

"I never got the hang of that Feng Shui stuff."

Wouldn't that be Freud Shui?

yikes, i never realised that couch placement in comics was sore a sore spot. I'll keep this and other "freud shui" lessons in mind next time I illustrate a psych office!
