Today's Mystery Bird for you to Identify

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[Mystery bird] Couch's kingbird, Tyrannus couchii, photographed at Smith Point, Texas. [call: mp3 and also a wav file, (Audio file copyright 2007, Kevin Colver)] [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow]

Image: Joseph Kennedy, 5 September 2008 [larger view].

Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope TSN-PZ camera eyepiece 1/800s f/8.0 at 1000.0mm iso400.

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Ah, that would be the Great Crested Flycatcher.

Some kind of kingbird, but there's no white on the face, so it doesn't match any of the pics that have yellow all the way up the breast like that....

Tropical Kingbird

By Thomas Dougherty (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Tropical Kingbird.
This bird has the stout outline of a kingbird instead of the sleeker look of a large flycatcher. The extent of the yellow to the neck and the yellow outline on the wing feathers also eliminated a flycatcher. If you look closely you can see the dark eye patch and white streak under the eye. I chose Tropical over Couch's based on the length of the bill.

I don't believe that this bird is identifiable in the photo--the wingtip is not visible, and neither the length nor the depth of the bill can be clearly assessed from this angle.
So count me a "Trouch's" agnostic! :)
PS: Kingbirds ARE flycatcher, of course.

GAAA! I think you people are amazing. I can recognize about 7 or 8 birds - that we get in our yard regularly.
I think that's a robin after his summer sunburn has faded.
(sorry, I just felt like writing something silly)

i added a link to an mp3 of its call .. is that helpful at all? if not, i'll find another one that might help more.

the mp3 sounds like part of Couch's Kingbird, so I'm changing my ID to Tropical Kingbird.

Couch's Kingbird.

Tropical kingbird.

By Georgia Conti (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

me @#9 correction:

that's Couch's NOT Tropical Kingbird. (note to self: stop multi-tasking. Just stop it.)

My vote is for Tropical Kingbird.

By Jose Cordero (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Change to Couch's Kingbird.
The mp3 is a single call note which indicates a Couch's not a Tropical Kingbird. Sibley on Tropical: "Common call ... never a single note like Couch's"