Ghost Chile Update #2

I've href="">written
about the world's hotter chle pepper: the bhut jolokia, rated at over 1
million scoville units. ( href="">Sauce
available here.)  Now, India has a new use for the infernal
things: combatting terrorism.

deploys world's hottest chilli to fight terrorism

Bhut jolokia, or 'ghost chilli', to be used for teargas-like
grenades to immobilise suspects, defence officials say

style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">Ever
since the Trojan Horse - and probably long before - men have bent their
minds to developing the ultimate secret weapon. Now, at last, the
Indian army just might have discovered it: the world's hottest chilli

style="margin: 0px 0px 13px; padding: 0px; border-collapse: collapse; font-family: arial,sans-serif;">The
Indian army believes that the pungency of its ground seeds of the bhut
jolokia - a capsicum hybrid, growing around the banks of the
Brahmaputra river, that is reputed to be 100 times hotter than a
jalapeño - could be harnessed in smoke grenades against rioters or to
flush out terrorists in confined spaces...

These peppers are two orders of magnitude hotter than the
 jalapeño.  Mother nature always wins, in the end.


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by revere, cross-posted at Effect Measure The FDA is saying they still aren't sure how over 1200 Salmonella stpaul cases resulted from food chain contamination but they are saying its from jalapeno peppers grown in Mexico. This from a press release July 25: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is…
The FDA is saying they still aren't sure how over 1200 Salmonella stpaul cases resulted from food chain contamination but they are saying its from jalapeno peppers grown in Mexico. This from a press release July 25: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is advising consumers that jalapeño and…

These peppers are two orders of magnitude hotter than the jalapeño.

Which makes them only about three orders of magnitude hotter than a bell pepper. I know, I know -- the jalapeño is well-known so they don't have much choice about using it but it's one wimpy capsicum critter.

And worse yet, it tastes bad. If you want some mild chiles give me a Big Jim or a poblano or some nice fresh serranos or ...

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 24 Mar 2010 #permalink

I'd have said about twice as hot as a habanero, but most people don't know about those. For those of us that do, that really puts it in perspective. That's one scary pepper!

Fiafraigh duit féin na ceisteanna seo. (1) a bheadh ââCén chuid den am atá thart ar mhaith leat chun cónaà i? (2) Cén fáth ar mhaith leat chun cónaà ag an am sin? NÃorbh fhéidir (3) leat maireachtáil san am sin ag baint úsáide as ach na huirlisà agus an trealamh atá ar fáil ag an am sin?

Toeau yn cael eu gwneud o ddeunyddiau gwahanol. Wood, gwellt, llechi, carreg, metel, plastig ac unrhyw beth arall y gellir ei ddefnyddio. Yn bennaf yn dibynnu ar ble rydych chi yn y byd a faint y gallwch ei brynu, o ran pa fath o do bydd gennych.

Ble rydyn ni nawr ar esblygiad y llwybr? A ydym yn dod yn wâr neu yn dal i fynd i lawr y llwybr o gynyddu pwerau dinistriol? Mae ein gwybodaeth feddygol yn cynyddu gyda nerth i nerth yn ystod pob rhyfel, ond nid mor fawr fel ein arfau dinistriol. Os yw ein gwybodaeth feddygol wedi cynyddu mor gyflym fel ein arfau, byddwn yn gallu byw am ddwy neu fwy ganrif.

Biz tÉkamül yolu ilÉ, indi harada? Biz sivil olmaq vÉ ya hÉlÉ dÉ daÄıdıcı sÉlahiyyÉtlÉrinin artırılması yolu enÉn edirsiniz? Bizim tibbi biliklÉrin hÉr bir müharibÉ leaps vÉ hÉddi artır, lakin kimi çox kimi daÄıdıcı hücum silahları. Bizim tibbi biliklÉrin bizim silah kimi sürÉtli kimi artmıÅdır, biz iki vÉ ya daha çox ÉsrlÉr boyu canlı edÉ bilÉrsiniz.

Pam mae pobl yn newynu i farwolaeth mewn byd sy'n cynhyrchu mwy o fwyd nag y mae'n ei angen? Ar dudalen we ei ddweud ei fod yn ganlyniad i logisteg o symud yr bwyd. Rwy'n dweud, mae'n fwy i'w wneud ag elw na diffyg y gallu i symud yr bwyd i lle mae ei angen. Hefyd, mae rhai gwledydd y trydydd byd yn allforio bwyd sydd eu hangen arnynt er mwyn iddynt gael arian ar gyfer pethau eraill. Os ydym i gyd yn hyd yn oed hanner ffordd at yr hyn a alwn yn ddynoliaeth, fyddai neb yn llwgu. Ond rydym yn bobl ac yn methu â byw hyd at ein delfrydau da.

Yn unig oedd darllen am derfysgoedd yn Llundain a mannau eraill ar y safle we y BBC. Dylent ddefnyddio pwyntiau bwled rwber, CS nwy a phupur chwistrell nes y terfysgwyr yn mynd yn analluog. Yna llong iddynt Afghanistan er mwyn iddynt ddysgu sut i ymddwyn.

Yalnız Londonda iÄtiÅaÅlar vÉ BBC saytda digÉr sahÉlÉr barÉdÉ oxu olmuÅdur. Bu rioters incapacitated qÉdÉr Onlar rezin güllÉ, CS qaz vÉ bibÉr spreyi istifadÉ etmÉlidirlÉr. Sonra Æfqanıstana onlara gÉmi onlar davranmaq necÉ Ã¶yrÉnÉ bilÉrsiniz.

Terfysgoedd unwaith eto rhwygo trwy nifer o ddinasoedd Lloegr. Bydd llawer o bobl yn troi i fyny ar gyfer eu man gwaith heddiw i ddod o hyd iddo ddrylliwyd neu'n waeth, dinistrio. Faint mwy o yn mynd i golli eu swyddi fel eu man gwaith gael ei ddinistrio? Dod yn y fyddin ac yn cael dim dal wahardd wrth ddelio â'r terfysgwyr. Maent eisiau brifo eraill trwy frics taflu a phethau eraill, felly dylai fod yr un fath drais yn ôl ar eu cyfer.

Meine letzte Woche von der Arbeit an der Regierung Schema. Zurück zur Arbeitslosigkeit Warteschlange nächste Woche. Das Programm war nur für 13 Wochen und endet in vier Tagen. Langeweile und kaum genug Geld zum Leben. : ( .

Minu viimane nädal kallal valitsuse kava. Tagasi töötuse järjekorda järgmisel nädalal. Kava oli ainult kolmteist nädalat, mis lõpeb nelja päeva pärast. Igavus ja vaevalt piisavalt raha, et elada. :( .

Dim ond dau ddiwrnod yn fwy ar ôl y diwrnod hwn o weithio ar y cynllun llywodraeth. :( Yna yn ôl ar y ciw diweithdra wythnos nesaf wythnos tri ar ddeg o wneud gwaith a dim ond yn cael 45 y cant o'r isafswm cyflog ar ei gyfer a'r llywodraeth ryfeddodau pam nad yw'r cynllun yn boblogaidd Os byddaf yn cael ei dalu isafswm cyflog fyddai gen i! fwynhau yn fwy ac yn cael rhywfaint o arian a arbedir i fyny.

Olen visted Monet sivustot viime kolmetoista viikko sen kanssa työni, niin on tylsää ja muut mistyfing. Onko saada jonkin verran tietoa. Kuten, kun Japanissa muutama vuosi sitten, tulin niin lähellä Bamboo Forest Kiotossa. Se ärsytti minua, koska olisin halunnut visted sitä.

Employers, employees and manufactures of equipment or supplies are responsible in some way for health and safety.

An elderly couple were having dinner one evening when the husband reached across the table, took his wifeâs hand in his and said , âClara, soon we
will be married 50 years and thereâs something I have to know. In all of these 50 years, have you ever been unfaithful to me?â
Clara replied, âWell, Paul, I have to be honest with you. Yes, Iâve been unfaithful to you three times during these 50 years, but always for a good reason.â
Paul was obviously hurt by his wifeâs confession, but said, âI never suspected. Can you tell me what you mean by âgood reasons?â
Clara said, âThe first time was shortly after we were married, and we were about to lose our little house because we couldnât pay the mortgage. Do you remember that one evening I went to see the banker and the next day he notified you that the loan would be extended?â
Paul recalled the visit to the banker and said, âI can forgive you for that. You saved our home, but what about the second time?â
Clara asked, âAnd do you remember when you were so sick, but we didnât have the money to pay for the heart surgery you needed? Well, I went to see your doctor one night and, if you recall, he did the surgery at no charge.â
âI recall that,â said Paul. âAnd you did it to save my life, so of course I can forgive you for that. Now tell me about the third time.â
âAll right,â Clara said. âSo do you remember when you ran for president of your golf club, and you needed 73 more votes?â

Doctor Dave had slept with one of his patients and felt guilty all day long.

No matter how much he tried to forget about it, he couldn't.

The guilt and sense of betrayal was overwhelming. But every once in a while he'd hear an internal, reassuring voice that said:

"Dave, don't worry about it. You aren't the first doctor to sleep with one of their patients and you won't be the last. And you're single. Just let it go.."

But invariably the other voice would bring him back to reality, whispering:

"Dave you're a vet."

Hi, I just thought I would let you know I think the subject matter you tackled here was a little ambitious. Next time why don't you stick to mildly amusing, like always.

This powerful little legend should stand the test of time, it should go down in history it's such a good read. It's so commanding and striking I think people will sing songs and write poems about it in the future.

I took a razor blade to your poem and made it very respectable. Well it needed to be in the kind of region we would be visiting!

Alf was part of the high wire act of the circus, he had just set off walking the tight rope when he was handed a Bomb! Alf was not the best of the troup at tight rope walking but when a man on the trapeze swung down and handed him a bomb he thought his legs were turning to jelly. He dared to look down and seen there was no net, this was getting worse. Alf somhow got to the other side and collapsed before being told the bomb was a fake. Oh well thats all right then said alf.