Harvard Medical School recently completed a review of their required premedical curriculum, culminating with the development of recommended changes.  The outcome of this process is reported in an article in the recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.  It's one of their open-access articles: href="http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/359/3/221">Relevance and Rigor in Premedical Education Jules L. Dienstag, M.D. In recent decades, scientific knowledge has changed dramatically, once-settled scientific principles have been replaced by more sophisticated concepts and…
Many years ago, I was browsing thought the Borders bookstore, one of the earliers ones, on State Street in Ann Arbor, and encountered a book about psychotherapy.  It claimed to be a sort of encyclopedia of named styles of psychotherapy.  I can't recall the number of them, but I think it was between 300 and 400.  That was 20 years ago.  I'm sure it is in the thousenads by now.   Of course most of these are merely variations of just a few themes.  And most have not been validated systematically.   One of these is called href="http://www.corebeliefs.com/index.html">Core Belief Engineering…
The Pew Research Center informs us that href="http://pewresearch.org/databank/dailynumber/?NumberID=585"> today's number is 46%.  That is the percentage of independent voters who are undecided about their choice for President in the November election in the USA.  This is "much higher" than the same statistic four years ago.  It is likely that this group will swing the election. Of course, you could say the same about almost any group, if the election is close.   I noticed this because I was on their site for something else, and noticed the number in the sidebar, in a little box that…
The House is considering legislation that would do two things: force oil companies to give up unused leases, and ban the export of oil from Alaska. It's brilliant because it highlights the absurd fallacy: that opening up more land for drilling would lower gas prices.  The fact is, oil companies already have leases that they are sitting on, not drilling on.   Opening up more land for oil leases will not cause them to drill more oil.  It'd be like putting more gas in the tank of a driverless car.  Putting more gas in the tank will not enable the car to go farther.  The car will go nowhere,…
This is a photo from a collection of images that were modified using href="http://www.gimp.org/">GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program.  There is a small collection of such photos at href="http://www.junauza.com/2008/07/25-best-gimped-images.html">Tech Source From Bohol.  This href="">particular image is at a href="">less refined site, that Tech Source linked to. I made up the name. The original caption on the photo is "Innocence."
href="http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/restless_legs/restless_legs.htm">Restless Legs Syndrome has been more in the public eye lately.  I understand this is because of aggressive direct-to-consumer advertising.  I'm not much of a consumer, so I haven't seen the ads, but people tell me about them.   Whatever you think of DTC advertising, RLS is real, and it is a significant problem for some people.   Years ago, it was discovered that RLS can be alleviated for some people with carbidopa/levodopa.  But that was an off-patent medicine.  When patented medicines [Requip (ropinirole) and…
I got twenty dollars out of the bank today. What should I get: two shares of Fannie Mae stock, or four Happy Meals?
This post is not about mental health parity.  Although it is a very important topic, there is no reason for me to write about it.  If you are interesting in the topic, just go read the (open access) Perspectives column in the current NEJM: href="http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/359/2/113">Shuffling toward Parity -- Bringing Mental Health Care under the Umbrella. The column is short enough that there would not be any point in trying to distill it any further.  But I do want to make a couple of points, including a mild-to-moderate quibble with one of the points mentioned:…
Joshua Wolf and Robert Salo of Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital reported, in the href="http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title%7Edb=all%7Econtent=t768481832%7Etab=issueslist">Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, on a case of a person with delusional beliefs regarding climate change. There is no openly-accessible abstract, (the link to the paywall page is href="http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content%7Econtent=a791365692%7Edb=all%7Eorder=page">here) so we have to make do with href="http://www.anorak.co.uk/global-warming/185486.html">a news report: We describe…
There is an interesting and thought-provoking essay at The Oil Drum.  It was written by href="http://www.uvm.edu/giee/?Page=about/students/Nathan_Hagens.html&SM=about/about_menu.html">Nathan Hagens, a student at the Gund Institute, University of Vermont.   He makes some errors in the science, and engages in some armchair hypothesizing (see graph above), but the overall conclusions are not affected.   He romps through evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, and behavioral neuroscience on his way to explaining why we have an addiction to oil. It clearly is not intended to be a…
Responding to the innate human desire to have the faster browser possible, I am almost happy with Firefox 3.  But not quite.  Thus, the experiment: compile from source.  This is accomplished as follows: 0. Kubuntu does not come with the packages necessary to build from source, by default.  You must install a bunch of stuff first.  Fortunately, this is easy.  To install the prerequisites necessary to build Firefox from source, open a terminal and type: apt-get build-dep firefox 1. Download the Firefox source code href="ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0/linux-i686/…
We decided to let one artichoke blossom, just to see what it looks like.  It turns out that it looks sort of like a thistle.  That's because it is a kind of thistle.  I hadn't known that.  The thistle is the national flower of Scotland.
Seems like everything is being made so you can attach an iPod.   Shown below is the href="http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=204553512&adid=17070&dcaid=17070">George Foreman iPod Grill.  With 10-watt speaker. How patriotic is that? And what are we to make of one of the reviews posted at Buy.com? I love George Foreman's products! I own all of the grills, and I use them when I have small get togethers. They are great, indoors and out. I usually only use one at a time, since my friends don't really come to my parties. I don't know what that is about. I used the George…
The League of Conservation Voters is half-way through the process of selecting the dozen worst environmental offenders in elected office.  Each election year, they select  approximately 12 politicians to target for their campaign, in an effort to unseat, or deny seats to, the politicians with the worst voting records on environmental issues. Last time (2006), the "dozen" (actually 15) href="http://lcv.org/newsroom/press-releases/2006-dirty-dozen.html">included: Senators George Allen (R-VA) Rick Santorum (R-PA) Jim Talent (R-MO) Representatives Bob Beauprez (R-CO) Katherine Harris (R…
At last, they are being honest with us: you have no rights.  Attorney General said so.  He admitted it.  So, at least he's honest.  See his picture to the right?  Doesn't he look like an honest gentleman?  He is.   In a recent href="http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hngKSYm06_-CQxF9Afx1X9j1urdQD91LS2V00">interview with reporters, Mukasey  stated that it is "necessary to put in place regulations that will allow the FBI to transform itself as it is transforming itself into an intelligence gathering organization."   Now, the AP is reporting some details of that transformation.  …
40% of Internet users do not upgrade their browsers to the most secure version.  Internet Explorer users have the worst record, with more than half having failed to update. OK, people, do your patriotic duty and get with the upgrades!  Then we can see the National Threat Advisory go down to blue, for the first time in history. (source: href="http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080701-40-of-surfers-dont-bother-with-browser-security-updates.html">Ars Technica)
Leave it to the scientifically-minded among us to solve the world's economic crisis.  All it takes is an understanding of the elements. At this point, there is little doubt that a serious economic crisis awaits the people of planet Earth.   The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released their href="http://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2008e.htm">Annual Report on 30 June 2008.  The BIS, based in Switzerland, is an organization of 55 central banks.  It href="http://www.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2008e8.htm">concludes: In the aftermath of a long credit-driven boom, it would not be…
This is a photo of two White Storks, Ciconia ciconia, nesting atop a primary school chimney near the south coast of Portugal. The photo is by Valter Jacinto, and has a Creative Commons license. Link. The White Stork is the national bird of Poland. In the USA, we would never allow storks to nest at a primary school. It would offend the fundamentalists.
On 6 June 2008, the Federal Register in the USA href="http://www.thefederalregister.com/d.p/2008-06-06-E8-12671">contained a notice, that the Department of Homeland Security is conducting a review.  They are reviewing the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). The Federation of American Scientists href="http://www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/2008/06/dhs_invites_public.html">points out that DHS is soliciting public comment. The NIPP is explained and documented at a DHS href="http://www.dhs.gov/xprevprot/programs/editorial_0827.shtm">site.  one of the documents (1.3MB PDF) is…
Meteorology is outside of my usual topics for posting, but this particular news item seems to have received little attention elsewhere: there is evidence that the jet streams are moving, systematically, toward the poles.   The jet streams are high-altitude streams of air, about 7 to 16 kilometers over sea level.  They blow air from west to east.   Jet streams are important factors in the causation of weather patterns.  Therefore, systematic changes in the jet streams are expected to cause changes in weather patterns.  Now, we have evidence that the jet streams are changing. href="http…