href="">These are sooo precious... The one on the left is the cub.  They are href="" rel="tag">Owston's Palm Civets, Chrotogale owstoni ... They are found in southern Yunan and southwest Guangxi provinces in China; northern Vietnam; and northern Laos.  The typical weight is 2-3 kg (4.4 to 6.6 pounds), length 50-60cm.   10cm, by the way, is the width of my palm across the knuckles  (which is pretty convenient sometimes).  …
Infections with href="" rel="tag">Streptococcus suis have been reported in a cluster in Viet Nam, plus one apparently-isolated case in China.  This is not the first outbreak of the pig-borne illness.  A href="">larger outbreak occurred in 2005 in Sichuan, China.  In 2005, there were 205 reported cases, with 36 fatalities.  Earlier, a 1998 outbreak involved 14 deaths out of 25 reported human cases.  Cases have been recorded dating back to the 1960's.  No cases have been…
Today the US House of Representatives voted to pass href="">H.R. 2929: To limit the use of funds to establish any military installation or base for the purpose of providing for the permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq or to exercise United States economic control of the oil resources of Iraq. US. Representative rel="tag">Barbara Lee introduced amendments to this effect in 2005, and it went nowhere.  She tried to accomplish the same thing with various amendments in 2006, with no success.  In 2007,…
I was reading about the href="">epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, got curious about albinism, and ended up finding this picture of a white lion.  It is distributed under a creative commons license, attribution required.  The photographer is face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Stano Novak.  The original, in much higher resolution (and not compressed for the web) is in href="" rel="tag">Wikimedia. This is not to be confused with the band named href="http://www.…
The latest American Research Group poll shows the lowest approval rating ever for President Bush, a 2-point decline in the past month.   I can't help but think the statement about having the Justice Department ignore href="">contempt citations has alienated even more voters. UPDATE: href="">Poll Finds Democrats Favored On War href="…
href=""> face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">This image shows what can happen to your retina from a sudden increase in venous pressure.  What could cause such a sudden increase?  Jumping straight down, followed by sudden upward acceleration.  The patient initially had 20/400 vision in the affected eye.  After surgery it stabilized at 20/25.  The image, by the way, can be viewed full-size at the open-access NEJM article: href="">Macular Hemorrhage from Bungee Jumping. See for…
As reported in the journal, The Lancet, a man has been found who had a small brain, but a normal life.  The article is subscription only so I am not even going to link to it.  But it is still noteworthy.     There is a fair summary in the online version of href=",1518,495607,00.html">Der Spiegel, and it is even in English.  It describes the case of a 44-year-old man employed in a tax office.  He was married, father of two, holding down a job, seemingly fine.  In 2003 he noticed some weakness in his left leg.  He ultimately was seen by Dr…
This is from the transcript of a discussion with href="" rel="tag">Olympia Snowe on href="" rel="tag">Face the Nation, earlier today: SCHIEFFER: Already we’re beginning to hear American senior officers in Iraq say, `Well, we may not be able to tell by September if all this is working.’ Will the Senate buy that? Sen. SNOWE: I don’t believe so, and, in particular, because what is pivotal and central to the success of Iraq is the political accomplishment by the Iraqi government. And…
This morning's Washington Post has a headline: href=""> face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Envoy Urges Visas For Iraqis Aiding U.S. face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"> Targets of Violence Are Seeking Refuge The idea is that Iraqis who aid the US cause need something to motivate them.  I have an idea.  How about giving visas to US troops so they can come to the USA? Now.
The href="">Sanofi-Aventis obesity pill, rel="tag">rimonabant, will be labeled with stronger warnings as a result of href="">a review by The European Medicines Agency (EMEA).   According to the href="">EMEA press release on Acomplia (31 KB PDF file): The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) today recommended contraindicating Acomplia (rimonabant) from sanofi-aventis, in patients with ongoing major…
Someone (Jim) at rel="tag">Motley Fool linked to the last LED lighting post.  Apparently he tracks the Cree Inc. stock.  Anyway, he linked to a site that has more information on the href="">Ann Arbor LED street light project. Part of their interview with one of Ann Arbor's asistant managers, Mike Bergren: Q.: The test site has been up for awhile. What are the results of this experiment? A.: Let's talk about the cobra head first. We are getting excellent reports that we don't have any light trespass. LED lighting is…
This is marketed as a brush to be used for shampooing dogs.  However, it is also very good for dry brushing of cats.  It is particularly effective at getting those extremely fine hairs from the undercoat.   It is also effective for removing cat hair from furniture. One nice thing about this brush, is that it encloses your entire hand.  So if the cat decides to swipe the brush with its claws, you don't get hurt.
The New York Times contained two statements, in different contexts, that say opposite things.  The first appears in their "most blogged" box.  It is from July 15: href="">The Richest of the Rich, Proud of a New Gilded Age By LOUIS UCHITELLE Published: July 15, 2007 ...These days, Mr. Weill and many of the nation’s very wealthy chief executives, entrepreneurs and financiers echo an earlier era — the Gilded Age before World War I — when…
Satirical images can be fun.
Science fiction has often centered on the theme of "what if?"  Many of the finest works have explored alternative futures, based upon just one or a few changes in contemporary society.  Indeed, science does have a powerful influence on culture, so some of these alternative futures are quite plausible. Now, perhaps it is not really science fiction, but a leading publication asks the question, "What if href="" rel="tag">Dick Cheney became President?"  (Courtesy of href="">
There was an outbreak of botulism in the past several days in the United States.  The problem was traced to contaminated canned chili sauce intended for use on hotdogs.  Product from Castleberry Food Company based in Augusta, Georgia is suspected. But what is botulism, exactly, and how/why is it so lethal?   There are actually three different ways to get botulism.  The most common occurs when a person eats improperly canned food, usually food canned at home.  It is also possible for human infants to get botulism when they are fed something that contains live spores.  Most often, the…
It is not taking off very quickly, but it could have a big impact.   rel="tag" href="">Raleigh, NC agreed to the " href="">LED City" initiative, joining with a company located nearby, href="">Cree Inc.  The initiative is to replace all civic lighting with href="" rel="tag">light-…
Back in February, I href="">wrote about the irony of the Bush Administration touting their efforts to improve food and drug safety, while at the same time planning to close 7 of the 13 FDA laboratories.   In the interim, we have had all kinds of food and drug mishaps.  The FDA did not close any labs, but they also did not say they had canceled their plans.   The closure plans came to light in December 2006 when PEER ( href="" rel="tag">Public Employees…
The Pentagon needs to crack down on KBR and other contractors, said Dorgan, head of the Democratic Policy Committee. "It requires a change in mind-set at the Pentagon, for them to slam their fist down on the table and say, 'We're not going to put up with this anymore.' " What got US Sen. rel="tag">Byron Dorgan so upset?  Perhaps it was the fact the KBR continues to steal money from the American people.  Or at least they try.  According to USA Today: href="">Largest Iraq contract rife with errors By Matt…
There is new information indicating that an rel="tag">oxytocin nasal spray could be used to treat shyness.  Oxytocin is a peptide hormone best known for its role in childbirth and breastfeeding.  These are known as peripheral actions, meaning they take place outside of the central nervous system (CNS). However, it also is known as a neurotransmitter, having effects within the CNS.  It has been touted as a chemical that can increase trust and reduce fear.  It also has been claimed to have a role in the difference in how href=",CST-FTR-…