From href="">ChristiaNet.  They think it is clever, I guess. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars=""> This is the first in a series of Free Evolution Tracts that can be sent as e-cards.  What does it mean?  Are they declaring war on Christmas?
face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"> href="">Firefox 3 ( href="">Gran Paradiso) should be available in beta form in late July 2007.  There is no firm release schedule for the gold version. The most anticipated feature will be a new way to store bookmarks.  Both the interface and the internal code will be changed. Sort of like in, bookmarks can be given tags.  Unlike, you will still use folders.   Such a…
Problem: Flyaway cat hair. Backgound: Cats require brushing.  If the cat has long hair, and the humidity is low, brushing the cat will release cat hair into the lower layer of the atmosphere.  This hair will get on your clothes, the sofa, the carpet, and it will go places it is not wanted, such as in your nose.  You may sneeze.  Repeatedly. The solution... Solution: Put cat in a suitable cardboard box with an open top.  Brush cat.  The cat will writhe around in the box.  This will generate a static electrical charge in the cardboard.  Flyaway hairs will be attracted to the sides of the box…
Problem: Flat tire, wheel won't come off. Backgound: This problem came my way today.  A friend had a flat tire, but was not able to get the wheel off.   The solution... Solution: Turn on computer.  Google "remove stuck car wheel". Find advice: loosen lug nuts by 4 or 5 turns.  Drive car back and forth a few feet, a few times.  Get out and change tire. Outcome: Happy motoring!
How do you think it feels? href="">
I suppose this is good, although it is too little too late.  It would be a lot better to prevent these casualties in the first place. href=";_ylt=AkK1R.ayIAt68x7AdfLqKR.s0NUE">Army plans to hire more psychiatrists PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - Overwhelmed by the number of soldiers returning from war with mental problems, the Army is planning to hire at least 25 percent more psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. A contract finalized this week but not yet announced calls…
This would be a good time to raise the gas tax.  Seriously.  In fact, it should be raised using a ratcheting mechanism.  Whenever the nationwide price of gas goes up, that should become the new price.  If the wholesale price goes down, the difference would be replaced by a tax increase.  That way the price at the pump would never go down. Oh, and oil companies should never get subsidies.  Never.  If more exploration is needed and they think they can't afford it, they can ask for a federal loan.  But repayment would be expected.  Chief corporate officers would be personally liable for…
This is kind of a rambling rehash of an old href="">post.  But it turns out to be topical now.  What is more it illustrates some interesting points about evolution: some obvious, others subtle.  One thing is shows very nicely is that once nature solves a problem, the same solution keeps cropping up in other places.   On March 16, 2004, the World Health Organization released a report on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.  This is a serious problem, especially in the former Soviet states of eastern Europe…
I used to read computer magazines a lot.  I would chuckle when I picked up a copy of PC Magazine, or whatever, and it had, it large red type: XXX releases the Fastest Desktop Ever!!!  Next month someone else would be making the Fastest Laptop Ever!!! What, you think they are going to start making them slower? Now: Bush job rating hits record low in NBC/WSJ poll Wed Jun 13, 2007 9:51PM EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush's approval rating has dropped to 29 percent in an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday, his lowest mark ever in that survey, which…
HT to href="">Mr. Maynard for pointing this out.  (He also pointed out the Corner Brewery, which is an even more remarkable invention.) The creator is rel="tag">Theo Jansen: face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">Theo Jansen, artist, studied science at the University of Delft Holland. The first seven years being a artist he just made paintings. Then he starts a project with a big flying saucer, which could really fly. It flew over the town of Delft in 1980 and brought the people in the street and the police in commotion.…
This is not exactly news, but it is nice to have some specifics that put the issue in perspective.   href=",0,3379172.story?coll=la-home-center">CEOs' compensation can significantly impact shareholder value By Kathy M. Kristof, Times Staff Writer 1:11 PM PDT, June 9, 2007 Compared with the pay of celebrity chief executives such as Oracle Corp.'s Larry Ellison, the $7.3 million in total compensation pulled down last year by Synnex Corp. CEO Robert Huang is practically paltry. But set against the tech-product distributor's…
I am not skilled enough to do this, but maybe someone out there is.  What I want is a utility that will take a bit of html, such as for the sidebar in a blog, generate a image file that looks just like the html would if it were rendered on a web page, then find all the links and map them to that image file. Then when a blog page loads, instead of calling up a gazillion little picture files and running a bunch of little java scripts, it would just need to load that one image.  It seems as though that would be a lot faster.  Of course it should be smart enough to know when it needs to…
Why is it that recovering persons with alcoholism should not drink near-beer (beer with little or no alcohol)?   ...Hank had been dry for several weeks thanks to a radical withdrawal program, but a simple walk past Pete's Tavern on any given night almost erased his will to abstain. During the daytime he did not feel a craving for alcohol, but when he passed the bar in the evening--when he saw the warm light through the windows and heard the glasses clinking--he would be sorely tempted to run inside for a beer. Addiction researchers call this phenomenon "conditioned desire." If a person had…
Does this... (nuclear football) contain one of these...? (alcohol analyzer) Seriously.  It never occurred to me before, but shouldn't it be required that the President stay 100% sober at all times? Apparently not... This unkind photo was published by Britain's #1 quality website,  It accompanies href="">a story on a "stomach ailment" that troubled Bush on the last day of the G8 summit.  More href="">here.
Amy Goodman has a good article on Truthdig.  The reason I like the article is that it provides follow-up to an issue that was in the headlines, briefly a couple of years ago.  It has largely been ignored by the media since then.   href="">Hypocritical Oath: Psychologists and Torture By Amy Goodman Jun 5, 2007 First, do no harm. This tenet of medicine applies equally to psychologists, yet they are increasingly implicated in abusive interrogations, dare we say torture, at U.S. military…
"You can't handle the truth!"  ranted Jack Nicholson in href="">A Few Good Men.  I never saw the movie, but I saw the commercials.   Several months ago, Seed Magazine (a darn good publication) published an article entitled href="">Free DSCOVR!.  The article informs us that a fully functional, paid-for satellite is sitting in storage, not used. At a time when the Earth's climate is at the top of practically every nation's agenda, it might seem perplexing that there's a $100…
These kinds of images were making the rounds a couple of years ago. Kind of cute.  But now, at least a few people in Vermont are taking it seriously: href="">Vermont secessionist movement gains support Tuesday, June 5, 2007 MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) - Disillusioned by what they call an empire about to fall, a small cadre of writers and academics in Vermont want the state to secede from the United States. The secessionists hope to put the question before citizens in March. Eventually, they want to…
href="">Baghdad was ranked the world's least enticing city with a score of 14.5. "Least enticing." That is one way to put it.
face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">This is an interesting drug.  Rarely prescribed, but interesting.  It is older than what we typically give today.  It is an antidepressant with a twist. face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">In order to understand why it is interesting, you need to know a little bit about the pharmacology of the drug. rel="tag" href="">Amoxapine is a tricyclic antidepressant, in my book, or at least in my head; but I have seen it referred to as a tetracyclic.  It depends on whether you think all the rings have to have…
I am working on my next post, the one about amoxapine. But sssshhhh, I'm using Kubuntu. Heresy, I know, but what do you expect? It's Sunday.