Radio Lab

To call "Radio Lab" a science radio show is like calling "This American Life" a radio show about, well, what the hell is "This American Life" about? (Quirky themes? Good stories? Bourgeois dilemmas?) The point is that the best radio shows defy easy categorization. And Radio Lab is definitely one of the best radio shows around. (I've been honored to be an occasional contributor to the show.) This is just a friendly reminder that Season Four of Radio Lab is coming up, so if you aren't subscribing to the podcast on iTunes then you will soon be missing out. And if you're lucky enough to live in NYC, be sure to check out the Radio Lab premiere party on February 21st at the Angelika.

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I love this show! Great news about season 4!

You definitely owe Radio Lab a shout out because they are the reason I'm reading you book--and really enjoying it!
In light of the read I thought this quote from a recent NYTimes article, The Sweet Smell of ... Nothing, was a funny twist on olfaction's inducement of vivid memories: 'Indeed, for the Floods, fragrance brings with it the Proustian power of recall. One could argue that those who forgo perfume now may inadvertently diminish at some future date the textural memories of relationships past.'
What do you think?
I say a new scent for every new relationship.

By Emmaleigh (not verified) on 16 Feb 2008 #permalink