Doodling in Math Class: Sir Isaac Newton

Math is boring. We hear that every day. But there are exceptions. Consider Sir Isaac Newton. He matriculated at Trinity College at the University of Cambridge in 1661, became a Fellow in 1667, and created the "Newtonian" branch of physics. But many may not be aware that he was a master doodler while sitting in math class.

A number of years ago, I visited the University of Cambridge library, and happened across an extraordinary display. It contained class notes of Sir Isaac Newton, taken while he was an undergraduate student. The notes were taken in meticulous handwriting, with doodling along the borders of the pages. These doodles were of mythical animals and creatures (what buried mathematical concepts lie therein?)

I was reminded of this today, when I read in The New York Times of the YouTube postings of Vi Hart's "doodling in math class." I am not suggesting that she is today's Sir Isaac Newton. I do believe that she has touched upon a very important approach to teaching mathematics - connect with the students in a way that captures their imaginations. I do believe Sir Isaac Newton would approve!

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I absolutely love this!

Wow, this was brilliant. I learned about series a year ago and this video made sense of everything I learned. Well done!

Stumble does it again.

Ugh, lined paper... otherwise cool video.

By Cpt. Obvious (not verified) on 17 Jan 2011 #permalink

I know math is exciting but I wish you'd sloooooowwwwww dowwwwwnnnnn. The speed of your presentation makes for great effect, but you're missing an opportunity to reach people. My kids would LOVE this if you weren't talking like someone on meth. Maybe you could make two versions - one for dummies like us.

love the little prince reference (sheep in the box) ;D

She sounds really cute.

By Pat Garrett (not verified) on 18 Jan 2011 #permalink

Is it wrong that Im turned on by this chick???

dinosaur comics joke anyone? im a TINY bit pleased!

There are math levels that i love and there are some which are really hard.Math is an exciting subject at school and it's actually used everyday.We may not notice it do like on simple budgetting,math comes in.

Kevin is that you?

I love you...

That was cool. I'll be drawing so many shapes to infinity, thanks.

If only my Math class was THIS fun . . .

By sfscribbler (not verified) on 18 Jan 2011 #permalink