Mass Arrest in Occupy Oakland

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

I've been following use of social media in freedom of speech throughout the Arab Spring...but something is going on in Oakland, California that deserves some attention.

About the live feed:

Global Revolution brings you live stream video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world. The channel officially started on September 17, 2011 with occupation of Liberty Square in downtown Manhattan, NYC and was the first livestream channel to cover occupy wall street protests. Since then the global revolution tv collective helped start countless of live streaming channels in all the occupations worldwide with technical livestreaming assistance, rebroadcast.

Live video coverage of worldwide revolution for equality. from #tahrir to #15m to #ows Join us live & support our work bringing live resistance video from the streets to the entire worldspreading around the world.

From Jim Roberts, reporter from The New York Times twitter feed: (nytjim):

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@katz: @OakFoSho is avoiding getting closer to line of #oo arrestees so he has better chance of not getting booted for filming. Smart #J28"
47 seconds ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
Accounts of this afternoon's #OccupyOakland melee. MSNBC: CNN:
2 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@GregMitch: Livestreamer Spencer in Oakland says he's carrying 5 cameras handed to him by those arrested. #OWS"
6 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@lizhenry: Someone is being loaded into an ambulance, I can see on the ABC feed. #oo #ows"
12 minutes ago

lizhenry Liz Henry
Protestors are chanting, "This is a hostage situation". Police won't let them disperse. Someone is injured. EMTs trying to get in #ows #oo
15 minutes ago
Retweeted by nytjim

nytjim Jim Roberts
#OccupyOakland protesters chanting "Let Us Disperse," but seem surrounded by OPD. Live-stream: #ows
17 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
Live-stream of #OccupyOakland protesters being arrested. #ows "So they're really going to arrest everybody?"
20 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@society_society: mass arrest happening now #occupyoakland"
22 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@AmberLyon: Fascinating 5 camera LIVE view of Occupy Oakland confrontation #OO #occupyoakland"
26 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
SFGate: #OccupyOakland protester shot "point-blank" w/non-lethal projectile weapon. Condition unknown. #ows
29 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
#OccupyOakland supporters try to seize HJK Convention Ctr. as new HQ. Met with tear gas. #ows
33 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@OccupyOakland: 19th and telegraph at remember them statue being blocked in on all sides. OPD is firing cs gas- two women puking #oo #ows"
37 minutes ago

nytjim Jim Roberts
"@AmberLyon: Watching things heat up LIVE at #OccupyOakland #OO ." #ows
39 minutes ago

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