Why Israelis Love Iranians

How could Israelis love Iranians? This compelling video points a simple truth: how can you hate someone you don't know? Could this be a game changer?

Such an approach can, and should be, applied to any culture. It's a beginning, and much is at stake.

From PRI's The World:

For the first time, Israelis went out to protest on Saturday night against an attack on Iran. About a thousand people turned up for the demonstration in Tel Aviv. Intentionally or not, the event got a boost from a couple who launched an anti-war campaign on Facebook a little over a week ago.

Israeli teacher and graphic designer, Rony Edry, 41, says he didn't plan on launching a movement of any kind. But one thing just led to another. Edry designed a poster, picturing himself standing in a white shirt, holding his 4 year-old daughter with an Israeli flag in her hand. Written below them in big print is the message: "Iranians. We will never bomb your country. We love you."

"I think these guys show that we have a lot of intelligent people in Israel who don't accept everything at face value," Javedanfar said. "They, much like other Israelis, don't want a nuclear Iran, are against the regime's policies toward Israel, but don't want to make 73 million enemies in Iran. They want to make 73 million friends in Iran."
Besides, Javadanfar said the last thing the Iranian regime wants is for its public to begin to question three decades of propaganda that has demonized Israelis.

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