Life-Size Whale

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That is so cool!

By afarensis (not verified) on 19 Mar 2007 #permalink

Sites shouldn't try to do their own Flash detection - they do it so badly.

Meanwhile - if you're going to link to something that should be a photo, but isn't - please tell us what it is (in this case, Flash).

I apologize that you seem to be frustrated by the link or I didn't include the precise specifics of what the link actually was. I disagree that this is a bad use of flash. The goal of the website is to convey the size of whale and it does so brilliantly. I would go so far as to say it is the best website I have seen this year. Better flash sites may exist but I am positive they will rank far below this on content.

Super cool, but where are the barnacles and stuff? This whale seems exceedingly clean skinned compared to the ones David Attenborough has shown me. ;)

It would have definitely been much better with some invertebrates attached.

That's superb - thanks! I posted the link on the Bad Astronomy forum in the General Science section in case others are interested. It's a great idea; it took me a while to scroll on my 15 inch screen, but I went to the tip of his/her bottom tail. I imagined marking points with a ruler along an actual whale, and that does give you a sense of its size (consider the time it would take to mark a cow with a ruler).

Thanks again - I'm unofficially giving you a Blog of the Day award just for that post alone. But I've been enjoying your other entries, too. ;-)