Big Dead Squid

A potential new record holder for the largest giant squid washed ashore in western Tasmania. The individual came in at 550 lbs (250 kg) and stretched 26 ft (8 m) from head to the end of its severed tentacles. The specimen was extremely damaged and might measure longer. In the standard metric of body size of sea giants, the school bus (SB), this would measure about 0.9 SB. "It's a whopper," Genefor Walker-Smith, curator at the Tasmanian Museum, told the Reuters news service. Interestingly, giant squid rarely, if ever, was ashore on the western Tasmanian beaches being more common on the eastern side.

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Big Dead Squid would make a good name for a rock band.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 13 Jul 2007 #permalink

Yes...However it would maybe be better for a Ska or Punk band.

Thats awesome, I am officially creating the internet band Big Dead Squid. Anyone that plays something is welcome to join! Just send me a recording of yourself and I'll dub over other instruments and lyrics or vice versa.

It will be totally rad-ula.

My first song with be about Deep Sea News.