Ocean Fertilization...Not So Fast!

This just on the wire from ETC...

In a shot across the bows of geoengineering companies, the London Convention (the International Maritime Organization body that oversees dumping of wastes at sea) today unanimously endorsed a scientific statement of concern on ocean fertilisation and declared its intention to develop international regulations to oversee the controversial activities. It further advised states that such large-scale schemes are "currently not justified."

This is a smart move by the LC allowing for substantial assessment before large-scale 'trials' are conducted in biodiversity hotspots like the Indo-Pacific and the Galapagos.

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There you are you see!? Didn't I say "Call in the army, navy, airforce, whatever it takes and stop them!" ? Long live the London Convention and more power to their elbow! Maniacs who think that piling junk into the sea to remedy the effects of piling junk into the sea should be bound, gagged and then dumped into the deepest bit of the Marianas Trench . . . except - wait a bit - wouldn't that count as piling junk into the sea??

By Mrs Hilary Vic… (not verified) on 09 Nov 2007 #permalink