Kevin Zelnio is at the top of my list for musicians singing about invertebrates and the deep sea. The competition is small but Kevin is king.
Unfortunately, Kevin has some stiff competition. A one man band, Pagan Wanderer Lu, is leading a project to "highlight the plight of the Giant Isopod". In 2008, there will be a tribute CD released. You can hear 4 of the songs at the Bathynomuslove Records Myspace page. The tracks so far are predominately from British bands. More about the biology of Bathynomus here, here, and video here.
- Paul Hawkins - Isopod (I can evolve)
- Pocus Whiteface - Giant Isopods Ate My Well-Known Brand of Corn Chips
- Pagan Wanderer Lu - An Isopod Is Cute In The Eyes Of An Isopod
- Silence at Sea - Gladiators on Repeat
- Plurals - What Know They Of Bathynomus?
- The Jaynes - Crusty The Isopod
- Stealthtones - Nefarious Crustacean Confectionary Debacle
- Little My - In Isolation Nothing Makes Sense
- Werk - Giant Isopods Have Stolen My Gameboy
- Jam on Bread - Isopod in my bathroom
- The Silent Clothes - Hold it Together
- Tom Lee - Two Letters Less Than The Apple
- Time Space Repeat - Rise of the Giant Isopods
- Meles Meles - Isopod Love Song
- Ziggy Bolus & The Thomas Fergusson Band - Me, Myself & Isopod
- Hello World - Vorarephilia
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the link for Werk is actually www.myspace.com/werkmusic - i'm from leeds, not daytona
Hi there
as one of Plurals, could you change the link so that it goes to our myspace - www.myspace.com/pluralsplurals rather than that other band's?
and just where is Zelnio's contribution to this project? It's not like he's busy or anything
Changes made
Hi there,
i'm Ziggy of Ziggy Bollus and The Thomas Ferguson Band. We haven't got a website but you can contact us via www.guiltmirrors.com yeah. Thank you for covering this, the profits are likely to go to a charitable cause as yet undecided.
Link added. Tell the other bands I can add their links in to or change them if needed. Keep me updated and will continue to plug it at DSN. You should donate the profits to Oceana Europe that is working to protect deep environments like those of the Giant Isopod.
My myspace address is actually www.myspace.com/deathtomelesmeles, thanks.
www.myspace.com/hellohellohelloworld for me. Also, some of your linking has gone a bit awry (it has scienceblogs.com at the beginning of each address).
Are downloads available for my Isopod nano?
Does not appear so as yet. However, all of Kevin's are available as mp3 files.
Hi,All the links are fantastic.Thanks
Just thought we'd point out that the link to The Jaynes should be www.myspace.com/thjaynes (thejaynes.com is the website of a different band who share our name!)
The Jaynes x
hi there. just to let you know this album was made available online recently... http://paganwandererlu.wordpress.com/2009/03/05/songs-about-giant-isopo…