Off To Chicago

I take off for the Windy City, aka the Big Cheesy, tomorrow to give a lecture at the University of Chicago. My schedule for the next few days includes meeting with some of the most exciting scientists stateside, a tour of the Shed Aquarium (thanks to the Zoologix brothers) and the Field Museum, some Wright Architecture, Museum of Science and Industry, discussions of all cephalopod and deep with Janet Voight, and freezing my southern-bred, corn-fed, butt off.

This means, due to Peter being busy with oral exams (wish him luck), that DSN is totally in the hands of Kevin (God help us all). Some fodder to think about for the next few days...

Mark Powell over at the recently redesigned blogfish provides an example of scientists and conservationists actually saving the ocean. Someone just the other day, although I can't remember where, when, or who, suggested that there were few examples of scientists actually saving the earth. Thankfully Mark comes to the rescue.

The New York Times discusses how global climate warming is helping scientist. Less Arctic ice pack is making it easier to map the ocean floor.

A leading U.S. government scientist says the Ol' U.S. of A and our northern neighbors are in a "collision course over seabed rights in the Arctic Ocean, where vast, untapped oil and gas deposits are fuelling an undersea land grab and researchers from all polar nations are racing to collect data backing their countries' territorial claims." See global warming is good.

Zoologix examines whether the recent move by the Atlanta Aquarium to allow recreational scuba diving with their whales sharks is so wise.

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Back from Chicago and all I have to say is that one of these guys really knows how to show me a good time. Thanks go to David Jablonski and Sue Kidwell for hosting me, the cuter of the Bleimann brothers for drinks and entertainment, Janet Voight for conversation and entry into the Field Museum,…

Yo, thanks Craig! And back atcha, good on you for sticking your neck out with the "just one thing" challenge. Since ScienceBlogs wouldn't have me, then at least one of you real scientists over there is doing more than rant at the problems!

Where/when's your lecture? I'm a student here and would love to listen.

Hey! Hve fun at the Shedd! It is still on my top 3 of favourite places in the world.
No joke.

And I absolutely love the velvet shrimp, if they're still there, will you say hello for me?

And the Sawfish if he's still there. I love him too. I watched him swim his laps around for I don't know how long. (Tell me if he still swims clockwise around the tank), and even, (as I didn't know about claspers and such then - if it IS a he).