Saving Really Big Ships

At Wired you can read about the saving of the 14-deck, 55,000 ton Cougar Ace carrying 4,700 new Mazdas. As water was being replaced in ballast tanks, a malfunction occurred preventing the starboard ballasts from refilling. What ensues is a dramatic 60 degree port list, a broken leg bone puncturing the skin, the arrival of a crew of salty dogs of Titan Salvage, and a beautiful illustration of geometry's importance. The story covers members of the crew that reads like the character list for Ocean's 11 (the original and better) or Armageddon. Make sure you watch the video on the first page.

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What, no-one's called James Cameron yet?

By FishGuyDave (not verified) on 27 Feb 2008 #permalink

That was definitely a great article.

(I got my subscription to the magazine from amazon and it only cost $13 for 2 years!)
