Echinoderms & Those That Love Them Need to Hang It Up


Snail over at A Snail's Eye View, one of the best blogs on the triple -W, casts a firm vote for the Mollusks. Snail reminds also reminds us that Google delineates a clear winner. Arthropods also suck. And just in case Peter and Kevin get a little confused and start thinking about corals. For a recap of everyone's stance...

Snail's Eye View
DSN 1, 2 , 3, & 4.

DSN (thanks to that traitor Kevin)
Not Exactly Rocket Science To Figure Out Mollusks Are Better

Dr Joan Bushwell's Refuge For Invertebrates That Suck
The Intersucktion
A Blog Around Something Or Other

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And DSN bounces off the ropes, grabs Bushwell's and chomps hard! But he's ambushed! Ambushed! Rocket Science trips DSN, and Bushwell rolls on top, grabs the hair, and bounces his chin off the floor!

There goes bell.

Stay tuned for the next round of Invertebrate wresting.

It's probably fair to say that Sheril is the best thing that holothurians have going for them at this point... :)

Maybe this is simply an indication that those who study echinoderms have better things to do (like real research) than waste their time blogging or discussing the wonders of echinoderms online.

By Dr. Whore (not verified) on 24 Mar 2008 #permalink

No, Its just a vindication of their inferiority. If they thought so highly of their study organisms, they would be spreading their love for and knowledge of their spiny-skinned objects of affection.

And who is wasting time by reading blogs? ahem...

Well, I'm not studying echinoderms currently and unfortunately. I'm studying the effects of estrogen on guinea pig and mouse brains; therefore, I have lots of time on my hands for distractions of the marine kind.

By Dr. Whore (not verified) on 24 Mar 2008 #permalink

So, if we were going with tunicates here, could we use their Phylum? 'cause if we can, I somehow get the feeling they might trounce y'all. TUNICATA 4EVAH!

Take your tunicate comments elsewhere, they are not welcomed here