This is the second song in my brand new series Deep Sea Ditties. Wait! How can it be the second if the series is new?? The first song has been here all along! It is the Deep Sea News theme song (top left icon, says DSN theme song). Every Once in a while I will write and record a song about the deep sea and post it here for you all to laugh at. Its my way of making up for the fact that I failed at being a rockstar years ago. It also is the start of my second free album, Deep Sea Ditties (the first being Spineless Songs at The Other 95%, see sidebar). I got a little inspiration to break out the banjo tonight, so here it is, the Giant Squid Breakdown!
(Right click to open song in new window/tab)
I went down to that deep sea and i tell you what i did
I went down to that deep sea and i tell you what i did
I hook line and sinkered on that giant deep sea squid
I caught me a big one, caught me a giant squid
I caught me a big one, caught me a giant squid
I reeled him in, it took ten men oh lawdy yes it did
Well he wasn't dead yet, he grabbed on to my leg
Well he wasn't dead yet, he grabbed on to my leg
Pulled me down, i grabbed the rail i tried to stay
Pulled me down, i grabbed the rail fell to my watery grave
Can't get enough squid songs?? I also wrote the hit Big Dead Squid!
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If by priceless, you mean that you could neither sell it nor give the rights away, I whole-heartedly agree.
I imagine it's all in the execution, but on the screen it's no "I Crush Everything." I must also say that shot of Peter doesn't do him justice.
The banjo squid is awsome, how about a hammerhead on the drums, or maybe a ukelele cuttlefish!!