Giant Squid, Live and In Technicolor!

Teuthologist Dr. Steve O'Shea and Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, the colossal squid. Photo credit: Kathrin Bolstad

Monster squid hunter extraordinaire Dr. Steve O'Shea will be dissecting giant and colossal squids and it will be webcasted LIVE from Te Papa Museum in New Zealand. It will be an event-filled week as Dr. O'Shea and his squidaliscious team of crack experts unlock the mysteries of deep sea squids, starting with the thawing!

"Thawing the frozen squid is the first challenge. There have been many suggestions (inlcuding 462 suggestions from the public!) about how to carry out this process. The temperature of the squid will be gradually raised, over several days, in the tank in which it will finally be preserved. It will be thawed in a saline solution to prevent decay of the outer tissue while the inner sections are still frozen. The squid might take up to four days to thaw."

We will be live-blogging this once-in-a-lifetime event straight from DSN headquarters (location undisclosed) and will bring you such provocative tidbits of information as depth to frozen tissue, temperature of the tank, rigidity of the mantle, and other important information as we notified about them. Be the first in the blogosphere to know the time of first cut! Stay tuned to DSN for more details, April 27-May 2 (coincidentally Coral Week at DSN!)

Press release.

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Now, the only thing you didn't mention is how exactly it is that we can actually get ring-side seats to watch, live and in person. Or even, oh please tell me they need help with the dissection and there's somewhere we can volunteer for this honour? Can you, with all your clout somehow get me in on this!?!?!?

...Please?? Please?? I'll give you barnacles as a gift??

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wht did u inject the squid after it started to decay during the dissection....