You Should Love Corals Because

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Because AIG is paying bonuses to the division that created a lot of Big Shitpile (italics mine): The American International Group, which has received more than $170 billion in taxpayer bailout money from the Treasury and Federal Reserve, plans to pay about $165 million in bonuses by Sunday to…
by Peter Gleick and Heather Cooley Debates about water in California, the western U.S., and indeed, worldwide, have traditionally focused on the question of how best to further expand water supply to meet some hypothetical future increase in water demand. And the solution frequently offered is to…
Would sexier oceans get a bigger budget? In 2006, the U.S. alone spent an estimated $13.3 billion on the sex and porn industry. Worldwide, it was estimated sex industry sales were $97 billion. Meanwhile, as of 1999, the entire world was spending only about $6 billion on nature reserves globally.…
It took four years, but the majority of Americans now realize the Iraq War is not winable. By roughly the same margins they want troops out of Iraq in a year or less and believe they were misled into the war. The only thing I wonder about is what took them so long. It didn't take the Prophet Daniel…

I can't see the word "money" any more without thinking of Vince Vaughn in the movie Swingers. As in, "those corals are!"