Teach the Controversy About Atlantis


Since PZ Myers and Bug Girl are brought up this important issue, we at Deep Sea News would like our K-12 educational systems to teach what REALLY happened to the ancient lost city of Atlantis. Faithful Deep Sea News readers are advised to wear this T-shirt in support of teaching the controversy about the variety of "theories" behind the once great Utopian city of Atlantis.

Atlantis has sunk to bottom of the Mediterranean Ocean. There is evidence!!

The inhabitants turned into mer-people (mer means ocean). There is evidence!! (also here and here) New Zealanders even sing of them!!

So while some teachers want to fill your head with lies about what REALLY happened to Atlantis, there is proof of its existence. The elitist academics are supressing the evidence. TEACH THE CONTROVERSY!!11!!!1!1!!!

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You got it all wrong, Bro! Atlantis is in the Bahamas, and the Bimini Road is proof! Edgar Cayce predicted it! The U.S. Geological Survey are involved in a hoax to cover it up! People are such sheep they believe anything a "scientist" tells them! We need to get the truth out to the masses! Teach the controversy, only teach the right one, Dude!


By baaa humbug (not verified) on 17 Jun 2008 #permalink

No sir, YOU are the one that is WRONGZ!! You are just part of the Caribbean conspiracy. Why would Atlantis, a city described in european texts B4 Columbus sailed to the West Indies, be in the Bahamas. DO NOT listen to this naysayer, he is part of the conspiracy. TEACH THE RIGHT CONTROVERSY!!1!1!

Sanil an Abaaa bug are both SATAN!

Since the universe is turtles they would have you ignore the sixth turtle from the bottom home to UFOs and Atlantis.

The Atlanic explan is a plot of conneos!

By vanderleun (not verified) on 17 Jun 2008 #permalink

All scientists of true know Atlantis is under South China Sea! Mount Atlas volcano exploded and destroyed Atlantis, caused the Flood and the end of the Pleistocene. The pyramids around the world are all homage to Mount Atlas and Atlantis which is now rising again from the depths to start the new age of Atlantis!

Edgar Cayce predicted we would find a SIGN of Atlantis. Atlantis is not in one part of the world. Read The Orion Prophecy. There has been three Atlantis' over time and we are about to embark on the 4th after 2012 and the poles shift again hince the reason Atlantis is spread out. They predicated the 2012 of their time and started planning hundreds of years ahead. Egyptians are direct descendants of the Alantians. Our time is short and almost over.

Human beings have survived Ice age, this is for true. It is also mentioned in the net that Atlantis people knew a way to control nature with crystals.is it possible that they some how got a way to survive a tsunami that pulled their land into the sea.I mean if normal human being can think of a way and develop to survive why not the same can happen for the people who were so advanced to control nature??? If they can develop themselves to live in the water, I suppose they would have developed themselves by now so much to survive 2012.

Y'all are little behind the curve here. The Atlantis problem was resolved months ago with the publication of Roots of Cataclysm(Algora Publ. NY 2009). Atlantis was a supervolcanic island off Portugal that exploded and sank in the 17th century BC. In short, the lost island was exactly where Plato said it was.

By Richard Welch (not verified) on 30 Jun 2010 #permalink