TGIF: Don't Mess with the Japanese!

From Smugglers Chased and Rammed by Japanese Coastguard.

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Hat tip to John Lynch, where you can find a lively commentary on this issue. "Australia's government on Thursday released graphic pictures of Japanese hunters harpooning whales and dragging the bleeding carcasses onto a ship near Antarctica, calling it evidence of "indiscriminate" slaughter.…

Not too bad, but you should find someone in the Hong Kong boat police to talk to. A friend of my parents has been in it for 30 years or so, and has various stories, including the use of your own 50knot speedboats prow to knock the outboard engines off the smugglers high speed speedboat.
At high speed.
Or marine boarding actions at similar velocities.

... and skilled! Boarding a boat like that is definitely not an easy thing to do.