Murder On The High Seas

Telegraph UK is running an amazing series of photos of great white attacking a seal.


That's going to leave a mark.

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For those of us more familiar with pinnipeds, this appears to actually be a sea lion. Take a look at the length of the pectoral flippers. Likely a female.

Actually I lied. For those of us familiar with female stellar sea lions off the BC coast, this picture actually looks remarkably similar to those females.

It is a Northern Cape Fur Seal, which totally tricked me out!

A learning experience...

That's going to leave a mark.

You bet; that shark is sure going to feel the tail-slap he's about to get.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink

Supposedly, last week a seal-watching cruise off Martha's Vineyard saw a ~14 foot great white blast a seal, to the delight of some passengers and the horror of others...

Kevin, Keely
I'm sure that's a fur seal and that this was taken off seal island, south africa (where the Planet Earth and first Air Jaws scenes were shot). I'm fairly sure the Telegraph credit for Chris Fellows is incorrect too and these shots were taken by RSA white shark guru Chris Fallows. I went out looking for mako with him in 2005 - he's a really cool guy who really knows his stuff, not just GWS or sharks but birds, whales and all sorts. We didn't see any makos but I learned a hell of a lot about other stuff.