"At-home" burglaries

Jim De Arras said:

60% of all house burglaries in GB occur while the house is
occupied. Less than
10% here. More than 50% of homes here have firearms, less than 5% there.

I've proven that the mere existence without use of most guns in
homes in the USA makes even your gunless home safer to sleep in than
homes in GB.

Let's see: Your proof goes:

(1) Gun ownership is greater in the US than in GB.
(2) "At-home" burglaries are more common in GB than in the US.
(3) Gun ownership deters "at-home" burglary.

We also have:
(4) Gun ownership is greater in the US than in Canada.
(5) "At-home" burglaries are more common in the US (14%, NCS data)
than in Canada (10%, Canadian Urban Victimization Survey #9)
Therefore (by your reasoning)
(6) Gun ownership encourages "at-home" burglary.

I don't see how (3) and (6) can both be true. Perhaps there is
something wrong with your proof technique?


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