Gary Kleck Interview: 2.5 million defensive uses.

Alfred A. Hambidge, Jr. said:

For the benefit of those trying to follow this thread, could you post
the NCS questions in question?

There are 20 screening questions. I'm not going to type them all in
-- the following are just the ones that relate to to assault and

(37) Did anyone take something directly from you by using force, such
as by a stickup, mugging or threat?

(38) Did anyone TRY to rob you by using force or threatening to harm

(39) Did anyone beat you up, attack you or hit you with something, such
as a rock or a bottle?

(40) Were you knifed, shot at, or attacked with some other weapon by
anyone at all?

(41) Did anyone THREATEN to beat you up or THREATEN you with a knife,
gun, or some other weapon, NOT including telephone threats?

(42) Did anyone TRY to attack you in some other way?


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