Pim Vanmeurs wrote:
I think you'll find the Netherlands does a pretty good homicide rate.
Indeed 1.2/100,000 total and 0.3/100,000 firearms relatedcompared to
US 7.6/100,000 total and 4.5/100,000 firearms related
Netherlands 1.9% gun ownership
USA 48% gun ownership ratessource: Martin Killias international correlations between gun ownership
and rates of homicide ad suicide, Can Med Ass Journal may 15, 1993.
Kym Horsell writes:
The Economist Handbook 1994 quotes the 5-y average for Netherlands
at more than 10 per 100K (did seem a bit excessive).
From "Trends in Crime and Criminal Justice", 2nd UN survey
of Crime Trends, UN, 1992 they also cite (p69):
Country 1975 1980
Netherlands 7.24 10.56
USA 9.49 10.12I take it (without proof) all numbers are per 100K capita of crimes
reported to police rather than victimisation or self-reporting surveys.What gives?
The Economist is wrong. The UN numbers it quotes are for homicides +
ATTEMPTED homicides.
Total homicide (i.e homicides + ATTEMPTED homicides)
Responding Total Total Total Total Total Country homicide homicide homicide homicide homicide s, 1986 s, 1987 s, 1988 s, 1989 s, 1990NETHERLANDS 1903 1706 1976 2375 2206
Committed intentional homicide (i.e successful homicides only)
Responding Committe Committe Committe Committe Committe Country d d d d d intentio intentio intentio intentio intentio nal nal nal nal nal homicide homicide homicide homicide homicide s, 1986 s, 1987 s, 1988 s, 1989 s, 1990NETHERLANDS 174 163 279 251 228
For comparison with the previous figures:
1986 Netherlands, rate per 100k population
Total homicide 13.0
Committed intentional homicide 1.2