After askjohnlott linked here some people decided that obviously I must be behind the site and emailed me to let me know what they thought of me. Nope. Not me. Using false identities is not my style.
It was also suggested to me that Lott might have set up as a ploy to gain sympathy and to distract from the serious allegations that he faces. I don't that this is at all likely. If Lott was behind it, the site would never have added the disclaimer.
So who is behind it? Well, Black People Love Us, What is Victoria's Secret and Dog Island are satirical and parody sites that all happen to be on the same server as Ask John Lott. The group behind those sites is called Contagious Media, which is Jonah Peretti, his sister and his students. I think it is reasonable to conclude that askjohnlott is another parody from Contagious Media.