Hats off to Xrlq

A couple of weeks ago Xrlq wrote about me:

He's the Australian blogger who aspires to do to John Lott what Clayton Cramer did to Michael Bellesiles. Unfortunately, he doesn't do a very good job; while Cramer uncovered overwhelming evidence Bellesiles's fundamental research was fabricated, the best Lambert has been able to do is to uncover a few really stupid things Lott has done on a few isolated occasions. The rest of his rebuttals consist of gratuitous attacks on Lott personally.

I felt that this was incorrect, so I remonstrated.with Xrlq in comments. After a lengthy discussion Xrlq ended up agreeing that it was wrong and had the decency to post:

Tim Lambert's 'Hat of the Day award has been revoked and conferred on me, instead, for having issued it in the first place. That will teach me to issue 'Hats to bloggers.

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