300,000 visits

The Site Meter counter just ticked over to 300,000 visits. I really appreciate all the visitors, especially the ones who have left comments.


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Tenacious work and cogent, clear thoughts get noticed. Well done, sir.


This site is my nominee for Best Scientific Butt-Kicking Blog Not Involving Creationism. Excellent work, I'll put it on my blogroll soon.

Unfortunately, it also has one of the least memorable URLs in blog history. Somehow, my tongue trips when I say to people, "Hey, go look at cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~lambert/cgi-bin/blog, it's really good."

Guess you can't have everything.

300,000?!? Pshaw! Michael Fumento misinforms more people than that before breakfast.

I once had the same problem with the long URL, but at some point Tim apparently assumed custody of the URL 'http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid'. Much easier to remember, and it takes you right to the main page of his blog.

Great site, Tim. My personal favourite, in fact...


By Jeff Harvey (not verified) on 16 Nov 2004 #permalink

Tim, you provide an invaluable service to the world. We are under serious threat by those who see academic and scientific credibility as something that can simply be purchased. Just hire enough lobbyists disguised as scholars, give them fancy sounding "institutes" in which to ensconce themselves, and then disseminate the results of their "studies" far and wide, and suddenly, you've got an intellectual basis for anything you want, no matter how cranky. The fact that these people churn out stuff that's mostly worthless is irrelevant, because most people lack the time or the background to see through the charade. Unless, that is, there's someone around to expose them. Rock on.

By Steve Reuland (not verified) on 16 Nov 2004 #permalink