Koufax nomination

I've been nominated for a Koufax award best single issue blog over at Wampum. They have me listed under the issue "Australian politics", which isn't close to being correct. I want to correct them, but how would you describe the issue that this blog is mainly about? "Junk science" would sort of cover it if the term hadn't been stolen by Steve Milloy. Any ideas?

Oh, and go over there, check out the fine blogs, and vote.


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Tim's blog raison d' etre: Contrascientist B.S. uncoverage. Is that a category?

Keep up the fine work, sir.


How about "Voodoo Science"? It's the title of physicist Robert Park's demolition of what would otherwise be called "junk science," if Milloy's gang weren't squatting on the term.

how about "an occasional history of fibbery"?

Bullshit (not yours, but other people's).

Bullshit (not yours, but other people's).


By Ian Gould (not verified) on 07 Jan 2005 #permalink

scientific charlatans and snake oil salesmen?
statistical fraud and scientific dishonesty?
sleazy scientists and the corporations that fund them?

try:truth in science

By garry culhane (not verified) on 08 Jan 2005 #permalink

An investigation of corporate sponsored scientific skepticism and its attacks on mainstream science?

Uncovering the mistakes of Fringe Science

"Bullshit buster"?
"That's Stats!"
"Unspinning the numbers"
"Statistics, damned statistics and lies."
or currently
"Sinking Hissink"

The Gunk Science Home Sage

I think you should just call it "Junk Science". Why should Milloy have a monopoly on the phrase? Win it back for the good guys!

I second Dano's proposal - "Contrascientist" has a nice stinging snap to it.

You all know who you are...