Look at all the expertise!

The Wampum nominations for Best Expert Blog are up…and Pharyngula is among them. The coolest thing, though: about 20% of the nominees are science blogs!


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Ummm, well…seven eight Koufax nominations is rather flattering. These are the semi-finals, though, so it may well be that none of them make it to the finals, and to then actually win one is an even more unlikely eventuality, but hey, here I am. If you want to vote, all you have to do is follow the…
Now that the 2006 Weblog Awards are over (and congratulations to all of my favourites for wins or good showing), we are all warmed up and ready for the Real Deal - the Koufaxes! First, and most importantly, go over to Wampum and hit their PayPal button (on the left top side-bar), or their Amazon.…
It almost got by us, but we noticed it just in time. Nominations for the 2006 Koufax Awards are now open over at Wampum. For those on the Port (left) side of the blogosphere, the Koufax Awards are the most important credit we can obtain. We have been nominated all of our blog years and were a…
Chris Clarke (whose blog sure is a lot prettier all of a sudden) has revealed that the Koufax award nominations are now open. Go nominate your favoritest blogs! I do not want anyone to nominate Pharyngula, and if nominated in any category I'll ask to be removed. You see, I've already got one. It's…

Is there some way I can quickly bookmark all of those blogs in Firefox?

By Jeff Jorgensen (not verified) on 16 Feb 2006 #permalink

There must be some mistake - the Isaac Newton of Information Theory has been accidentally left off the lists.

By Bayesian Bouff… (not verified) on 17 Feb 2006 #permalink