10th Skeptics' Circle

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The 35th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching. It will be published this Thursday, and the deadline is Wednesday evening. The host this time is skeptical blogging stalwart Skeptico, and his instructions regarding the deadline and how to submit can be found here. Overall guidelines…
The time is rapidly approaching again. This Thursday, the latest edition of the Skeptics' Circle, the only blog carnival that I'm aware of that is dedicated to skepticism and critical thinking, is scheduled to appear at Mike's Weekly Skeptic Rant, which means you have only two days to get your best…
It's amazing how fast two weeks can slide by, but the 129th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching and will be landing Thursday, January 28 at The SkeptVet Blog. Blog-specific instructions for submitting your best skeptical blogging can be found here, while general guidelines can be…
The 45th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is due to appear on Thursday at The Inoculated Mind. The deadline is Wednesday; so get your best skeptical blogging sent to Karl. Instructions for submission, along with Karl's personal take on the Circle, including areas that he hopes to emphasize, are here…