Saturday Dog Blogging

A beautiful sunny winter's day today so I took some pictures on a walk with my dog.

Here is Silas. He's a great dane bull mastiff cross.


Here he is looking dignified at Malabar Bay. Yes, that's walking distance from my house.


And looking undignified at Malabar Bay.


Can you spot the link to Crichton's State of Fear?



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Tim, why does your dog want to destroy our right to defend ourselves? Who pays your dog, anyway? I resent your dog walking around using my tax dollars.

Seriously, though, Silas looks like a damn good doggie.

By Michigan J. Frog (not verified) on 23 Jul 2005 #permalink

I had an almost identical dog myself several years ago which I brandished at an attacker, thereby saving my life. Unfortunately I do not recall its name and have lost all records pertaining to his existence. I may have left it behind during one of several moves.

Ah yes, the blue ring octopus. One of several problems with the book is that it never explaines how the bad guys keept them alive.

I thought they were trying to ban drunk dogs on bicycles from snorkeling.