Fifteenth Skeptics' Circle

The Fifteenth Skeptics' Circle is out.

More like this due out in a mere four days. Yes, on Thursday, December 18, Bing McGhandi over at Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes will be closing out 2008 by hosting the 102nd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle. But there's a problem. Bing has informed me that he only has three entries as of last night. With…
As you may recall, the last meeting of the Skeptics' Circle never came to pass due to the illness of the host. That was to be the 110th Skeptics' Circle. Given that I had somehow screwed up and used the same number twice, though, it all works out if I simply label this Skeptics' Circle the 110th.…
'Tis a bittersweet moment. On the one hand, I am happy that the 102nd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle has landed over at Bing McGhandi's place. Not only is it chock full of excellent skeptical blogging, but the story is amusing, as evidenced by this little taste: BM: Next, Orac from Respectful…
Having finally hosted the Skeptics' Circle myself last week after a long absence and having had a blast doing it to celebrate the 100th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, I know it's time for me once again to turn over the reins to the next host, who will inaugurate the beginning of what will (I hope…