Blogspace family directed acyclic graph

Via Pharyngula I find the commissar's project to make a blog family tree.

  1. your blogfather, or blogmother, as the case may be. Marie Gryphon who was the first blogger to post on the the John Lott affair. I started this blog to join in the discussion.

  2. Include your blog-birth-month, the month that you started blogging January 2003.

  3. If you are reasonably certain that you have spawned any blog-children, mention them, too. If I inspired you to start blogging, leave a comment!


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Hi, Blog-Father. Hope to make you proud some day.

(There were a couple of others that also pushed me along, but I'd put your blog first.)

You are most definately part of our blog parentage, but we are a non-traditional house-hold and have far more than two blog-parents.

Hmmm... I suppose my immediate blogmother would be my wife, which is just a little too creepy for me to want to use the term.

Unless The Poor Man is blog-dad, since he prodded me to get one for a long time before that.

I'm with jayinbmore; there were a small handful (say, three) of blogs which convinced me that they could be a useful contribution to online discussion, and inspired me to give it a try. Deltoid, with it's very careful debunking, was certainly one of those.