20th Skeptics Circle

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Yike. I've been truly remiss in my duty. The Skeptics' Circle is a mere day and a half away. But it's not too late to submit your best skeptical work to Chris at The Uncredible Hallq. So, if you wanted to submit a post this week but haven't gotten around to it, there isn't much time left.
Tangled Bank #56 is up on e3, Information Overload New Carnival of the Liberals is up on Uncredible Hallq
The new edition of What's up postdoc? is up on Being a Scientist and a Woman Carnival of the Godless #69 is up on The Uncredible Hallq.
We have a couple of carnivals up right now… Modulator's Friday Ark Circus of the Spineless #10 Carnival of Education #73 …and a few that are looking for submissions. Carnival of the Liberals #16 will be at the Uncredible Hallq next Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, e3 Information Overload will be…